1. Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why use React? (Advantages over other frameworks)
- Key concepts: Components, JSX, Virtual DOM
- Setting up a React environment using Create React App
2. React Components
- Functional components vs Class components
- Component structure and rendering
- Props (Properties) and PropTypes
- State and setState
- Lifecycle methods (Class Components)
- Functional components with Hooks
3. JSX (JavaScript XML)
- Embedding expressions in JSX
- JSX Syntax and Rules
- Conditional rendering in JSX
- JSX rendering arrays and lists
4. State Management
- Understanding State
- Passing data between components (Parent to Child, Child to Parent)
- Lifting state up
- Managing complex state
5. Event Handling in React
- Handling events with JSX
- Synthetic events
- Binding event handlers in Class components
- Passing arguments to event handlers
6. React Hooks
- Introduction to Hooks
for context API- Custom Hooks
- Other hooks (
7. React Router
- Introduction to React Router
- Setting up routes
- Route parameters
- Nested routes
- Link, NavLink, Redirect
- Programmatic navigation
8. Forms and Input Handling
- Controlled vs Uncontrolled components
- Form submission handling
- Validating form inputs
- Handling multiple inputs
9. State Management with Context API
- Context API Overview
- Creating context
- Using
Hook for state management - Sharing state globally across components
10. State Management with Redux (Optional)
- Introduction to Redux
- Setting up Redux store
- Actions, Reducers, and Dispatch
- Connecting Redux to React components
- Middleware and async actions with Redux Thunk
11. React Component Styling
- Inline styles in React
- CSS stylesheets
- CSS Modules
- Styled-components (CSS-in-JS)
- Tailwind CSS with React
12. API Integration
- Fetching data from APIs using
- Handling Promises and Async/Await
- Displaying API data in components
- Error handling in API calls
13. Error Boundaries
- Introduction to Error Boundaries
- Catching errors in component trees
- Using
14. Performance Optimization
- Avoiding unnecessary re-renders
- Memoization (
) - Lazy loading components (
) - Code splitting with dynamic imports
15. Testing React Applications
- Unit testing with Jest and Enzyme/React Testing Library
- Snapshot testing
- Testing components and hooks
- Mocking API calls in tests
16. Deploying React Applications
- Building for production
- Deploying on services like Netlify, Vercel, GitHub Pages
- Optimizing React apps for performance
17. Advanced Concepts (Optional)
- React Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js
- Static Site Generation (SSG)
- Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with React
- React Native (for mobile apps)